FOP | Informations for LEA's

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Honneur et Fidélité
Very Important Person
Augusztus 22, 2022

Informations for LEA's

Pursuit Order — Vehicles
I. Dodge Charger R/T Police / Dodge Charger R/T Police Unmarked
II. Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor / Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor Unmarked
III. Ford Explorer Police Interceptor / Ford Explorer Police Interceptor Unmarked
IV. Chevrolet Tahoe Unmarked
V. Unmarked / Civilian vehicles
VI. Other units

Pursuit Order — Agencies
I. Kezdeményező szerv vagy Los Santos Police Department
II. Los Santos County Sheriff's Department [Out of Service]
III. Federal Bureau of Investigation [II.]
IV. Internal Revenue Service [III.]

Intrusion Order — Agencies
I. Los Santos Police Department - Metropolitan Division
II. Los Santos County Sheriff's Department - Special Enforcement Bureau [Out of Service]
III. Federal Bureau of Investigation - Incident Response Group [II.]

Other informations
A. Túszárgyalót és túszátvevő egységet biztosítja: Federal Bureau of Investigation
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